Walking to Wellness


A few years ago I visited my primary care physician for an annual check-up. She gave me a good going-over, studied my blood and urinalysis test results without commenting, and, as I sat there on the exam table, asked me some general questions along the lines of “How do you feel?”

I answered them easily. With the exception of my slowly increasing rheumatoid disease symptoms, I was feeling fine. I hadn’t had a cold in ages, I always got a flu shot, and I’d stopped smoking years before. This, I thought, was going well. She’d release me with a bill of good health any minute and I’d be on my way.

Not so fast. “Do you exercise?” she asked, fixing me with her steely, blue-eyed gaze.

Read more of my latest post at RheumatoidArthritis.net.

8 thoughts on “Walking to Wellness

  1. I completely sympathize and empathize and yes, I want to join you … let’s not mention the custard doughnut i just had …I’d gone for my lunchtime walk, which I try to do every day, and my colleague asked me to pop into the shop on my way around and get some doughnuts for her … and then she gave me one …last week i was strong-willed enough to say ‘No thanks’ to an apple turnover … but custard doughnuts are too nice! OH DEAR! Must try harder. Maybe knowing you’re doing it too will make it easier! 🙂


    • Hi, Penguin!

      I have a really hard time turning down goodies myself. All the time. In fact, my mom just came in and handed me a bowl of ice cream for after-dinner dessert. She was being thoughtful and there was no way I was going to refuse it. Now, I could have set it aside and quietly thrown away the melted ice cream later. Did I? No! I ate every last spoonful! It was delicious!.

      I need to tell her that I’m trying to be serious about my health, and that she shouldn’t be so kind to me in the future. “Be hard-hearted, Mom!” i need to tell her. “Don’t offer me treats! Keep them to yourself! I’m getting chubbier by the minute!”

      I’ll attempt to tell her tomorrow. Together we can beat this thing, Penguin! Glad you’re aboard for the ride! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Metabolic syndrome. Have to look that one up. I’m probably on the same boat as you. But I do my stationary bike. I was at the gym the other day and I saw a lot of people on treadmills. That seemed dangerous to me and totally defeats the purpose of walking. To me a walk is to enjoy nature plus get some exercise. I go to the gym for the Jacuzzi. It’s great that doctor was so pointed with her questions, most just gloss over what’s going on with you,


    • Hi, Irma!

      Yep, I prefer walking outdoors with a destination in mind, myself. I know someone famous recently died in a treadmill accident, but that’s very rare. Injuries don’t happen very often, either, but I’m afraid I’d fall asleep out of sheer boredom while walking on that endless rubber mat to nowhere–and then I’d injure myself!

      Id never heard of metabolic syndrome before this doctor said I had it, either, but I’m glad she confronted me with it. In reality, it’s just a collection of potentially dangerous conditions:high blood pressure, high blood glucose, high cholesterol levels, overweight or obesity, and middle-age. They can lead to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, strokes, fatty liver disease, etc. etc. etc. And, except for the middle-age part, the idea is we can avoid them.

      Easier said than done, of course, and in my case, I’ve got to do it all over again. Sigh. Trying to be healthy is a never-ending job. Kudos to you for using your exercise bike on a regular basis. 🙂


  3. Oh, my. I need to not think of you as my guilty conscious but rather my motivation. The two weeks in Europe with lots of wonderful food PLUS 10 mg of prednisone a day did not do my diet any good! (Although I hardly gained any weight because we did walk several miles each day!) Good for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi, Carla! I’m happy to be your motivation! Will you be mine? Neither one of us ought to be guilty about anything!

    I’m impressed that a vacation filled with delicious meals didn’t add much in the way of extra weight to your daily battle with RD. And I’m glad you had such a good time! I’m determined to drop some of this excess poundage and strengthen my weak muscles. I just want some company! 😉


  5. Well, being aboard for the ride fell at the first hurdle yesterday … hubby saying ‘I’m going to get one of those biscuits Mrs Nice Patient gave me today. Do you want a couple?’ A COUPLE no less. And I said YES! I didn’t say No, I didn’t say ‘I’ll just have one …’ Aaaaaaaargh! I’d been ‘good’ all day and even had my lunchtime walk … and a later walk around the village green after voting … BUT I’m getting back on the wagon today – honest! (Getting a little bruised and achy with all the falling off it though!)


  6. I definitely need to join you, I’m 46, overweight with high bp and despite a love of cooking have started resorting to pre prepared foods because preparation hurts and I simply don’t have the energy some days. I will definitely try and join you. I just need to finish these biscuits…..


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