A welcome watering

Oh, my. It’s storming outside the window. Rain is pummeling the roof, spattering against the window-glass, driven by the wind. It’s hitting the ground so hard it’s bouncing back up three feet into the air, creating a waist-level mist. Tree branches drip and sway. RainEverything is moving in the storm, reveling in the much-needed water.

Later, I’m taking my uncle to his physical therapy appointment. For the first time in a year we’ll be driving in the rain, parking in the rain, being dampened as we trot into the building. Oh, how good this will feel!

And, unbelievably, my rheuma-dragon is quiet. My always-swollen knuckles are still swollen, but they’re not painful. A gift, this is. Just like the rain.



4 thoughts on “A welcome watering

  1. RAIN!!!!!!! Gosh! It is a wonderful feeling when you welcome the sort of weather most people think is awful! Happens to me too 🙂


  2. Fantastic that the rheumadragon is quiet when the rain comes – so much for weather related … mind you, I still think mine can be weather related – it does often (but not always) seem to be worse with damp. Delighted yours isn’t though! Gorgeous image – are those freesias? Freesias in the rain seems funny to me. They’re ‘hothouse flowers’ here and £7 a small bunch in the local florist!


  3. Your post was like a much-welcomed rain — refreshing and fulfilling. Thanks, friend, for a beautiful interlude in my day.


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