Surprise! You have RA!

This post is especially for people who’ve just been diagnosed with RA:

You’ve just discovered you have rheumatoid arthritis. Your doctor talked to you about it, but now you’re at home, and you can’t really remember much of what a_daa-small-Surprised-Catshe said. You were so shocked! “Arthritis!” you mutter to yourself, staring at the sore, swollen knuckles that prompted your initial visit to the doctor in the first place. Now, the results of the blood test in hand along with your list of symptoms, she’s given you the news and referred you to a rheumatologist.

Naturally, you’re feeling a bit bewildered. Angry, too, now that the shock is wearing off. “That can’t be right. I’m too young! And I’m healthy! I go to the gym almost every day!”

Don’t feel alone. The fact is, most people who’re given a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis are baffled—at least initially. There’s a good reason: We tend to think of arthritis as a disease that older people get—maybe even very old people. But anyone of any age can get RA, from infants to octegenarians, though three times more women than men get it. The “arthritis” we hear the most about is actually osteoarthritis, the common “wear andu tear” arthritis that sometimes strikes middle-to-older-aged people.

But you’re only 26! The doctor has to be wrong!

She’s not. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. With RA, your own immune system—your body’s natural defense against foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses—attacks it’s own tissues by mistake. RA generally goes after the lining and fluid between the joints. It causes inflammation, which in turn causes heat, swelling and pain. That sore shoulder you had last week? The one that made washing your hair, blowing it dry and getting dressed before work in the morning a study in courage and determination?

Yep. Rheumatoid arthritis.

RA also attacks the soft tissues of the body. It can go after the heart, the lungs, the eyes, even the veins. It affect joints on both sides of the body in a symmetrical manner. And leaving it untreated just invites it to do its worst: cause awful joint deformity and permanent disability—not to mention pain.

As things stand today, rheumatoid arthritis is still incurable. That doesn’t mean it’s untreatable, because you can treat this disease. The medications available today can greatly decrease the pain and disability of the disease while slowing it’s progress down to a snail’s pace. They can even—and sometimes do—put the disease into remission.

So, newbie: Here’s your assignment. Learn as much as you can about rheumatoid arthritis. The more you know, the better off you’ll be. Click to watch this short, thorough video about what rheumatoid arthritis is, how it affects those who are diagnosed with it and how it’s treated: .


8 thoughts on “Surprise! You have RA!

  1. Nice post. I wish the internet had been around when I was diagnosed. Wonderful to see you posting so regularly. Hope things are settling down for you.


    • Hi, Mary! Thanks very much–I’m enjoying the writing and posting. I wish the Internet had been around when I was diagnosed, too–there’s so much more information available now.
      Everything is going along just fine at the moment, knock wood. 😉


    • It’s funny, JGC. I don’t recall being terribly shocked myself, though I’d thought RA was a disease of the elderly. But I didn’t really understand just how pervasive and dangerous RA could be, either.


  2. Nice post. For those of us who’ve been in the RA world for a while, we forget how really scary it is to have that diagnosis. There is so much more information available now than even a few years ago when I was diagnosed. Real-life experiences documented by (excellent) bloggers like you are a great help as well.


    • What a nice thing to say, Carla! Thank you! I’ve learned more about RA from other bloggers than any other source of info–and discovering that there are people out there who know exactly how I feel, and who empathize, has been a great comfort. Finding a community like this one, full of friendly and caring people is priceless. 😀


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